Sanatan is Everywhere

Pratibha Kesharwani Shaw
3 min readOct 10, 2021


Sanatan Dharma doesn’t need a place to grow itself. It’s growing, flourishing, and spreading by leaps and bounds. A Sanatani is breathing in each and every house. You just need an eye to watch it more precisely.

A Dharma which is thousand years ancient doesn’t need a medium to breathe because it is just like the water which is shapeless, transparent and irreplaceable. Sanatan can only quench your thirst for your ultimate perfection.

Unification with the Divinity can only happen if you breathe Sanatan in your day to day life. Find any place on the map of Google and you will be astonished to see that Sanatan dharma was and is always the ray of Hope for liberation and renunciation. The whole Universe is vibrating with the celestial sounds of Sanatan.

Sanatan Dharma has touched innumerable beautiful souls since its inception. It’s our Sanatan Dharma which Accepts, Respects and Loves every minute particle unconditionally. It has always taught to Love oneself unconditionally first and then only one can love other unconditionally. Sanatan is beyond boundaries.

Sanatan Dharma has paved the most simplest method of achieving Success is through Pure Devotion and Connection with the Divinity. Several inventions and discoveries was only possible when pure connection and devotion was practiced.

Sanatan proved that a human’s body is in itself a Universe. Every element present in it is the part and parcel of the Universe. One cannot deny the fact that Sri Krishna showed Universe in his mouth to show that if one connects to Him then he can also feel the Universe in itself.

One just need to know and believe that he or she cannot keep themselves aloof from Sanatan because it’s the Source of Life that one is breathing in every single second.



Pratibha Kesharwani Shaw

A Daughter, Wife, Mother, Transcriber, Content Writer and a Sanatani. My Stories resonate with Beings aspiring to Be the Change for Them.